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Oregon Walks releases ‘Sidewalk Obstruction Bingo’ advocacy tool

Sidewalk Obstruction Bingo game board.

Sidewalk obstructions are to walkers what bike lane blockages are to bike riders. That is, always annoying and often downright dangerous.

Portland nonprofit advocacy group Oregon Walks has a new tool that to report these hazards. And they’ve turned it into a game.

Sidewalk Obstruction Bingo, a website that also works great on mobile devices, comes with 24 squares labeled with some of the most common things that get in your way including: low branches, cars, garbage bins, a-frame signs, trash, work zones, and so on. There are even squares for missing lights and sidewalk gaps. (I was a bit disappointed to see that they included “Bike riding on sidewalk,” because that’s legal (except for a section of downtown) and often necessary for many people.)


To play the game all you do is click the icon on the board that matches the hazard you face and share the location details with Oregon Walks. Once you get a bingo you can be entered into a prize drawing.

This is an interesting idea and seems like a great way to collect information about hazard hot-spots. Check it out here.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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