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Roundup of transportation surveys ready for the taking

Metro wants to know your thoughts about school-related travel.
(Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Because I know you love surveys, here’s a little roundup of a few that have come across my desk recently…

Metro wants to know how students around the Portland region will be traveling for daily, school-related activities. “The survey is intended for families across the Portland Metro region so please share widely so we can better understand families’ transportation needs,” they say. Hurry up because this one closes this Saturday, August 15th. Take the survey here.

Multnomah County (like every other government) is facing big revenue shortfalls due to Covid-19. With people driving less, gas tax revenue is in a nosedive and the County expects that chunk of their budget will be $2 million lower between now and summer 2021. They want your help to set “service priorities” while they look to grapple with a smaller budget. Here’s more from the County:

“The survey asks what type of County Transportation work is most important to users, what types of projects we should focus on, and what level of road and bridge maintenance is acceptable. It asks the public to identify which principles should guide the County’s budget decisions and whether the County should focus on preserving the existing transportation system or adding to the system.”

Take the survey here (stays open through end of August).


The Oregon Department of Transportation is also looking for feedback. They’ve got two important surveys open right now.

The first is regarding their Statewide Transportation Improvement Program or “STIP”. The STIP is the master list of projects ODOT will fund and build during each four-year cycle. They are currently just starting to build and consider their 2024-2027 STIP and now is the time to frame the discussion about how best to spend an estimated $2 billion. The survey closes August 28th and you can take it here.

ODOT also wants your input about tolling on Interstate 205 between Oregon City and West Linn. If you can hold your nose long enough to get through the driving-centric questions that all but assume a wider freeway and Abernethy Bridge are necessary, you can fill out the survey here before it closes on September 17th.

In other survey news, the Portland Bureau of Transportation just released results of their surveys and public outreach on the Columbia-Lombard Mobility Plan. Not surprisingly, the strongest support they heard was for safer biking and walking.

Did I miss anything? If you’ve come across a transportation-related survey recently let me know and I’ll add it.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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