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The Monday Roundup: Breaking Away remake, that helmet story, curb zones, and more

This week’s Monday Roundup is sponsored by Endurance PDX, a cycling studio and physical therapy provider conveniently located off North Williams Avenue.

Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven eight days…

This week’s sponsor.

‘Breaking Away’ remake?: The Indiana University newspaper says a group of students want to remake Breaking Away, the classic movie based on the Little 500 cycling race.

The helmet fiasco: What happens when concern-trolling, paternalistic, out-of-touch bureaucrats attempt to address dangerous roads that are killing a growing number of bicycle users? They propose a federal mandatory helmet law. The idea is so bad that the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) has already issued a statement urging it to be taken off the table.

More federal shenanigans: If it makes you feel any better about how America’s federal agencies don’t give local governments enough authority over their own roads, the problem appears to be just as bad in Canada.


Party culture and its discontents: An outdoor industry news outlet ponders the impact and root causes of ageism when it comes to the work culture and marketing of outdoor sports.

Your bicycle’s journey: The BBC put together a fun look at the history of bicycle production and how modern global supply chains take bicycles from factory to customer.

Mobility justice: In light of Commissioner Eudaly’s focus on racial disparities in the Rose Lane Project, read more about the national movement to put “mobility justice” at the center of transportation reform.

Sending help: Since it doesn’t seem like American officials have been successful implementing lessons learned on study trips abroad, a delegation from The Netherlands is in California this week to help hasten bikeability.


Better curb zones: Columbus has become the second U.S. city to start a pilot using Curbflow, a technology service provider that optimizes curb zones to make them safer and more efficient. (Portland officials have met with company reps and are considering the same move.)

The wonder drug: We all know cycling does wonder for physical and mental health — that’s why medical doctors in some parts of the U.K. are starting to prescribe it to people with long-term illnesses.

Blind spot boulder: An innocent rock in an Omaha parking lot has become repeatedly victimized by reckless people unable to safely operate their large vehicles.

Uber sucks: Not sure what bothers me more: The fact that a private company’s untested and unregulated new product led to the death of an innocent road user, or the fact that most major media outlets referred to the victim as a “jaywalker”.

American in Copenhagen: Always fun to read how U.S. reporters are impacted after visiting one of the most bike-oriented cities in the world.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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