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The Monday Roundup: Micro-lanes, food courier life, flying free and more

Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven days…

Life of a food courier: A NY Times journalist worked delivering food by bike in the Big Apple and lived to offer this fascinating report about it.

How to price: Last week Portland established a congestion pricing task force and now there’s a plan from Seattle that offers a blueprint for how to implement this sensitive policy in a way that both eases gridlock and the economic hit to people with lower incomes.

No rust or bust: Popular Mechanics puts a “rust-proof bike” to the test.

Seattle safety struggle: Our sister city to the north is not doing enough to tame drivers and their motorized beasts and the result is a rate of deaths and injuries going in the wrong direction.

Whose “micro-lane”? Noteworthy thoughts from a planner about how the micro-robot/AI industry has designs on using lanes currently used (almost) exclusively by bicycle riders.


More on those robots: And Treehugger’s Lloyd Alter says the new demands on bike lanes could result in more advocacy to make them wider and better — and that would be a good thing.

Free parking (for scooters): Mr. Parking Reform Donald Shoup said in an interview with Bird one way to improve the e-scooter parking conundrum is to start charging more to park cars.

The truth behind the hate: The NYC-based Gothamist delves into the old question of why so many Americans express hate toward bicycle riders, and offers some solutions to shift that psychology.

Knew this would happen: As cars get more “smart” tech, many people just get dumber (and less safe) while using them.

No more fees: Hallelujah! Another major airline (Delta) has dropped automatic fees for bicycle bags.

Tweet of the Week:

Congratulations! You’re caught up. Thanks to everyone to sent in suggestions.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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