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The Monday Roundup: Separation for seniors, friendly shops, corruption, and more

This week’s Monday Roundup is sponsored by the Gorge Pedal. You will not want to miss this event and ride on July 20th that will share the best of what the Gorge has to offer!

Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven days…

Oh Canada: Montreal’s network of physically protected bike lanes already makes it arguably the best biking city in North America. Now they plan to add 16 more miles of bikeways in the next two years by removing parking and reconfiguring lanes.

Friendly shops FTW: Portland’s River City Bicycles gets a well-deserved spotlight for is welcoming and inclusive vibe in this article from Bicycling Magazine on how bike shops need to “lose the attitude”.

NIMBY-speak: If you’ve attended a public meeting about a controversial issue you will definitely relate to this brilliant satire of how status-quo keepers like to talk.

How the Highway Industrial Complex rolls: US DOT Secretary Elaine Chao finally sold stock in a major road paving company after media coverage and public pressure forced her to.

More neighbors = more cycling: The NY Times editorial board says more cities should follow the lead of Minneapolis and outlaw single-family zoning.


Say it louder for the folks in the back: “Make life easier for pedestrians, bikers, and mass transit users and encourage more commuters to shift modes and abandon their cars, and roads start to become unclogged.” That’s the takeaway from Curbed on a new report on urban congestion.

Paint is not protection: Britain’s cycling and walking commissioners tell policymakers that paint-only bike lanes are a waste of money. (If that’s true, Portland has thrown away a lot of money.)

Beyond bikeways: A bike advocacy group in Silicon Valley shares their realization that on some streets, pushing for a new bike lane might actually go against their stated mission.

Seniors will cycle with separation: A new study shows that having a physically protected space to ride is the top priority for older adults who want to use a bicycle for transportation.

Anti-bike political shenanigans: After they inexplicably scrubbed much of the pro-cycling language out of a transportation bill, a Minnesota lawmaker said his Republican colleagues, “Have a hostility to the bicycle as a mode of transportation. I don’t understand it.”

Tweet of the Week: There was a lot of competition this week. I decided to go with something light and fun…

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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