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Do this Saturday night: Velo Cirque Bike Show, then Oregon Timber Trail Panel and Slideshow

Whether you like to look at bikes, ride them, or both — here’s your best Saturday night.
(Photo: Velo Cult)

If you overlooked these two events in the Weekend Guide, you’ll be sorry.

On Saturday Velo Cult is hosting the annual Velo Cirque Classic and Custom Bike Show and then the Oregon Timber Trail will take center stage at Base Camp Brewing.

Both events will be held in nice and warm places and are easily accessible by transit, so the weather isn’t an excuse.

Here’s more on each one…

Velo Cirque

Velo Cirque is a DIY bike show. That means you bring your own classic or custom rig, shine it up a bit (or not), then get ready to share it’s story with an appreciative crowd. They’re looking for everything vintage and especially modern day customs — either made by a hand builder or just a really cool build you put together yourself. Velo Cult says, “Bring out your custom make or vintage bike whether it’s a classic road bike, vintage cruiser, Old School BMX, or even your custom made frame you had made just a month ago.”

The show starts at 3:00 pm and there’s a group ride leaving from the shop (1699 NE 42nd) at 10:00 am. More info here.


Oregon Timber Trail Panel & Slideshow

(Photos courtesy Oregon Timber Trail)

Like we said back in July, all 637 magnificent miles of the new Oregon Timber Trail is open for business. On Saturday night after you check out the cool bikes at Velo Cult, you can roll down Sandy Boulevard to Base Camp Brewing (930 SE Oak Street) and be regaled with tales about what it’s like to actually ride the OTT from people who’ve already been out there. The panel will include Daniel Stranahan, Corey Fitch, Daniel Sharp, Kim McCormack, and Ben McCormack.

Expect to be inspired and informed. There will be plenty of time for questions. And I’ll be the moderator, so don’t be shy! More info here.

Have a good weekend. See you back here on Monday.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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