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Weekend Event Guide: Velocirque Bike Show, Gateway Green open house, Oregon Timber Trail and more

Discover the secrets of riding the Oregon Coast with author Bill Thorness on Friday night.
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

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If you’re worried that this crazy weather has foiled your bike fun for the weekend, think again! While the snow and ice (and soon, mud and gravel) might seem frightful, we’ve got a full menu of great options that look simply delightful. Not to mention most of them are indoors.

And you want ride inspiration? How about meeting the expert on the Coast Route on Friday night? Then on Saturday you can hear bikepacking tales galore from pioneers who’ve tackled the Oregon Timber Trail. On Sunday, why not get together with fellow three-speeders and plan your world takeover?

We’ve got all that and more in this week’s event guide. And as always, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the BikePortland Calendar for even more great ideas.

Friday, February 23rd

Breakfast on the Bridges – 7:00 am to 9:00 am
The last Friday of every month Shift volunteers serve breakfast on the Steel and Hawthorne bridges. Many bike commuters have come to look forward to hot coffee and delicious pastries on their way to work once a month – and you can’t beat the view! For the latest updates and breakfast locations, follow @bonbpdx on Twitter. More info here.

PDX Coffee Outside – 7:00 am to 8:30 am
Weekly gathering of nice people and good coffee. Bring your own brew kit and/or something yummy to trade for coffee. Check out this group on Instagram for inspiration and updates. More info here.

Cycling the Coast Happy Hour – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Base Camp Brewing Company
Author (and Ride With GPS Ambassador) Bill Thorness has rewritten the definitive guidebook to cycling the Pacific Coast. He’s in Portland to promote, Cycling the Pacific Coast: The Complete Guide from Canada to Mexico and you can meet him at the launch party. Learn his route secrets, win great door prizes, and more. More info here.

Saturday, February 24th

20 is Plenty Yard Sign Pick-Up – 9:30 am to 2:30 pm at Madison High School
Do your part to spread the word about sensible speeds in your neighborhood. The City of Portland is putting up new speed limit signs, so you should too! They’re giving out free “20 is Plenty” yard signs and bumper stickers in attractive Vision Zero orange. This is one of several pick-up events. See for more. More info here.

Gateway Green Community Open House – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization
Portland Parks is hosting this special event to hear what you’d like to see in the next phase of Gateway Green — our local, off-road cycling fun park! The City is set to start building new features later this year so let’s make sure they build the right stuff. More info here.


Biking About Architecture: Woodstock – 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Stumpton Coffee Division
Jenny F. is ready to lead you on another fun and educational architecture tour. This time you’ll set your signts on an eight-mile loop in southeast that will include an Arts & Crafts castle, a dome home, a bike windmill, and more! More info here

Velocirque Classic & Vintage Bike Show – 3:00 pm at Velo Cult
Come one, come all and immerse yourself in the world of “bike geekery, of fascination with frames and componentry, clever design and sublime craftsmanship, fillets and lugs, gear-inches and effective rim diameters, shiny bling and soulful patina.” Velo Cult welcomes you out of the cold for a DIY bike show. That’s right, bring your own classic or custom bike and get ready to show it off to an appreciative crowd. More info here.

Oregon Timber Trail Pioneers Panel & Slideshow – 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Base Camp Brewing Company
Been dreaming of tackling the new Oregon Timber Trail this year? Then this is a must-do event. Six (or so) people who pioneered and/or helped build the route will come together for a special night of sharing. Panelists include: Corey Fitch, Colin Frazer, Daniel Stranahan, Ben McCormack, Kimberly McCormack, Daniel Sharp, Harry Dalgaard, and Gabriel Amadeus Tiller. Oh, and guess who’ll be asking them the questions? Hope to see you there! More info here.

Sunday, February 25th

A Ride of Two Cities – 1:00 pm at Ruby Junction / East 197th Avenue
This exploration will tempt you with new vistas and routes through two cities just east of Portland — Fairview and Gresham. Highlights will include multi-use paths like the Gresham-Fairview Trail and the fun trails around Salish Pond. More info here.

Three Speed Get-Together – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Velo Cult Bike Shop & Tavern
If you have a heart for classic three-speeds and want to chat it up with others who feel the love, join the Society of Three Speeds for this happiest of hours. There will be talking and probably some beer and likely some trivia. Perhaps a ride will follow. More info here.

CORRECTION: We initially had Saturday’s Velocirque starting at 10:00 am. The show actually starts at 3:00 pm and there’s a ride leaving from the shop at 10:00 am. Sorry for any confusion.

Stay plugged into all the bike and transportation-related events around the region via our comprehensive event calendar and sign up here to get this Weekend Guide delivered to your inbox.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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