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The Monday Roundup: Walking while black, NYC’s “nightmare” and more

This week’s must-read is from the Portland Trib.

This week’s Monday Roundup is brought to you by the Worst Day of the Year Ride, coming up February 12th!

Here are the best stories we came across last week…

The NYC “nightmare”: A news outlet in New York City dug into this very important question: “Just how much space are cyclists taking away from drivers?” At lease they make the extremely biased reporting easy to spot.

Trump and transpo: NextCity has a good roundup of where the transportation funding debate stands in the Trump administration.

Repeating mistakes from the past: Tampa is trying to rally support for a $6 billion highway mega-project that would go through areas where 80 percent of residents are black or Latino.

Hearing matters: An auto user in a town in England was fined and found guilty for careless driving because he had the volume turned up too high in his car when he hit a bicycle rider then failed to stop.

Governor Kate Brown on activism: Oregon’s governor garnered national attention with a story in The New Yorker where she encouraged citizen activism and was framed as a progressive leader and “radical feminist governor.”


More trouble with “more enforcement”: Last week we shared how white people have a much easier time arguing down traffic violations in court. This week there’s more bad news: An in-depth probe of Multnomah County police records reveals that people with black or brown skin are charged much higher fines (up to 15 times the amount) than whites for numerous minor violations — including things like, “Failing to cross the street at a right angle,” “jaywalking” and “walking in the road.”

Bike path maps: A guy in San Francisco has unlocked a devilishly simple trick to better bike maps: Make them look like subway maps.

Powerful woman: A small farmer from Chile rides her bike 18 miles a day. No big whoop until you realize she’s 90-years old.

Fat bikes, fat profits: We are loving all the stories about fatbiking’s rise in popularity — including this major national NPR story that focuses on Minnesota’s love of the big tires.

Safer trucks: A man was killed in a right-hook collision with a box truck this morning. In related news, the City of Seattle just announced that all its fleet trucks must have side guards to reduce risk of people falling under wheels.

Thanks for all the suggestions that came in this week.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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