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Industry Ticker: BlaqPaks turns to Kickstarter for PDX Carpet bags

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Southeast Portland-based BlaqPaks — makers of fine backpacks, messenger bags, and more — want to offer a full line of products in the style of the iconic PDX Carpet. To do it, they’ve turned to Kickstarter.

For more info, read their press release below…

For immediate release:

BlaqPaks #PDXCarpet-Cordura bags, handmade in Portland and guaranteed for life.

We’re landing #PDXCarpet on our guaranteed-for-life, handmade-in-PDX BlaqPaks.

Help us bring this custom-printed Cordura to life!

BlaqPaks has been hand-making custom, waterproof backpacks, messenger bags and accessories for 8 years. We just launched our first KickStarter to bring PDX carpet to our Cordura bags and hopefully add a few new tools to our workshop. Everything is made in-house on Division St. in the Ford building. With this project we’re one step closer to bringing our goods into more stores in more places than ever before. Check out our website or Kickstarter for more info about us and our project.

— Industry Ticker is a regular feature where we highlight local bike companies. For consideration please email us your latest news.


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