There has been much debate about whether the Portland Bureau of Transportation should prioritize investments in “safety” or “maintenance.” The terms of that debate are code for the same old “us vs. them” dichotomy that poisons many of the transportation discussions in this town: “Safety” is where all the biking and walking projects reside and “maintenance” is where all the major arterial paving, bridge rehabs, and generally car-centric projects dwell.
I’ve always tried to avoid that divisive thinking. I’m fine if all the money goes to maintenance projects — as long as those projects are prioritized with not just driving in mind.
Now, I’m happy to report that PBOT is paving a neighborhood greenway, specifically because it is a known and popular route for bicycling.
According to a statement released today, PBOT has already started to grind down the existing pavement on SE Ankeny between SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and Sandy. It’s a short stretch (about 1/3 of a mile), but it’s a key bicycling connection.
PBOT spokesperson Diane Dulken told us today that “Neighborhood greenways are a priority for us to maintain.”
The work is expected to last until March 13th.
During the construction, bicycle riders should detour south to SE Ash Street.