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Foster Road businesses celebrate 50s Bikeway completion

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward


Here’s something that counters a popular narrative in this town that businesses don’t support cycling: the Foster Area Business Association (FABA) is hosting a mixer tonight to celebrate the completion of the City of Portland’s 50s Bikeway project.

As we reported yesterday, after delays and a long public process, the 50s Bikeway project is finally on the ground. With a mix of new bikeway infrastructure, crossing treatments, and signage, the $1.5 million, 4.3 mile project is making travel on the 50s corridor much more pleasant.


The other day (I can’t remember where exactly), I was handed the flyer above. It reads: “Discover a new route to Foster! Come celebrate the 50s Bikeway completion and network with other Foster Area businesses.”

The event is tonight (10/16) from 5:30 to 8:30 pm at Midpoint Food & Drink (3524 SE 52nd Ave). It’s open to both members and non-members.

It’s great to see this type of enthusiasm from business owners for a bike project! If any readers attend, we’d love to hear how it goes.

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