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Five things to know about tonight’s World Naked Bike Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

(Photo J. Maus/BikePortland)

1) It’s not about sex. The WNBR is about loving your body, loving low-car or car-free life, demonstrating the power of bikes in mass motion, metaphorically conveying the vulnerability of people on bikes, experiencing the city in a new way and loving the friends and new friends you’ll see before, during and after. And although all of those things are almost certainly good for your sex life, you’ll be surprised how much fun nudity (or near-nudity) is without sex.

2) Nobody cares that your body is not perfect. Nobody’s body is perfect, so for one night, everybody’s body gets to be perfect.

3) Read the fine print. We did a post on Wednesday with all the details. The official WNBR FAQ is also excellent.


4) It’s okay to not be into naked bike riding. WNBR is not everybody’s thing and you should not feel bad if it’s not your thing. But you definitely shouldn’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

5) This thing is going to be off the chain. You couldn’t ask for better weather than we’ll have tonight.

Have fun, everybody. BikePortland’s coverage begins very early tomorrow morning.

(Did this post ring a bell? We ran it last year too — it’s a new tradition.)

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