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The Monday Roundup: Hit and run by bike, bike golfing & more

Bikes at Earth Day
Bikes on the Springwater path.
(Photo by J.Maus/BikePortland)

— This week’s Monday Roundup is sponsored by ABUS Security, makers of locks that can “thwart even the cleverest of thieves.”

Here are the bike links from around the world that caught our eyes this week:

Biker hits and runs: “BAM! He hit me and just kept going,” said a woman who says her arm was broken by a man on a bicycle who hit her on the Springwater Corridor and then (illegally) left the scene last month.

Bike golfing: Vail Golf Club is adding a third mode for golfers: they can walk; they can take an electric cart; or they can now bike their clubs to the tee.

Drone injury: A flying drone that was filming a bike race whacked a triathlete in the head and sent her to the hospital.

Less congestion: Auto traffic in Seattle has been consistently falling since 2003. Go ahead, read that sentence again. (The population has grown 11 percent and transit use is up 40 percent.)

Clean mobility: You might have heard IPCC’s new warnings that climate change is already wreaking havoc, but you might have missed its praise for bike infrastructure as part of the solution.

Driving distractions: Some seem to think it might not be a good idea to let you operate iPhone apps from your car dashboard.

Bike adventuring: “Bikepacking has become a world wide epidemic,” declares the new-ish Bikepackers Magazine.

The end of Share the Road: Bike Delaware explains why it convinced the state to drop the confusing slogan “Share the Road.”

Historic vehicle: The bike of barrier-breaking African-American racer Major Taylor could be yours for $20,000.

Uber saddles up: Wired says Upscale taxi app Uber is creating a dispatch platform for bike messengers as part of a plan to create a delivery logistics service that could compete with Amazon’s.

Data source: There’s a beautiful and comprehensive set of transportation trends being charted at

The good fight?Whatever happened to the War on the Car?” a Toronto writer says. “I miss it.”

Biking with disabilities: Chicago-based Ding Ding Let’s Ride has a nice series of blog posts about adaptive bikes, vehicles customized for people with disabilities.

Malfunctioning traffic systems: The State of Washington now lets motorcycles, but not bicycles, ignore red lights that fail to detect them.

Road diets work: The new data site FiveThirtyEight uses 12 streets in Minneapolis and New York to show that road diets don’t cause traffic jams on roads that are well below capacity.

Missouri victory: In Missouri, a state legislator briefly held up a bipartisan sales tax hike deal in order to block the state’s first bill that would let the state spend transportation money on bike paths. He backed down.

Danish bike spike: Even Copenhagers are confused about why a new study found a 35 percent jump last year in the length of the average bike trip.

Bike talk: If you are a cute boy with a beard from Portland, these successful and attractive women from Vancouver and SF want to talk about you (among other awesome things).

Post-grief activism: Aaron Naparstek is sort of over ghost bikes, the Streetsblog founder tells The Bicycle Story’s in Part 2 of a first-rate Q&A.

Stop sign stings: Happy spring! Time for the police in Urbana, Ill., to start ticketing students who run stop signs on bikes.

Profitable bike sharing: The New Balance Hubway system in Boston is operating in the black and planning to expand, thanks in part to a deep cut to the fees Alta Bicycle Share collects for each docking.

And finally: it took 18 bikers and a 50-foot-long custom trailer to haul a 1/2 ton grand piano (with pianists, performing an original work to cheer everyone along) up the longest continuous ascent in England. It’s your video of the week:

If you come across a noteworthy bicycle story, send it in via email, Tweet @bikeportland, or whatever else and we’ll consider adding it to next Monday’s roundup.

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