travel options.
(Photo: ODOT)
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has released an online survey that seeks input to inform their Mt. Hood Multimodal Transportation Plan. As reported back in March, ODOT wants to make it easier and safer to bike, walk, and hop on a bus around Government Camp, Timberline Lodge, and all the other popular recreation destinations on Mt. Hood. The plan focuses specifically on reducing auto trips on highways 26 (Sandy) and 35 (Hood River).
ODOT Region 1 Project Planner Mike Mason told us in March that, “What we’re hoping to find are good ideas to reduce the number of people who feel they need to drive cars up there.”
In a statement released today, Mason said, “People travel along the Mount Hood highway corridor for many reasons… We want these people who use the highway to help shape the future of transportation on the mountain.”
The online survey asks for information about how people travel to and on the mountain (and yes, bikes are an option). It also asks people to judge, on a scale from one to 10, if “Bicycle safety is adequate along US 26 or OR 35.” There’s even the opportunity to share specific locations for intersection improvements. In the section on “transportation alternatives” the survey asks if people would support various transit and shuttle options if they were available. ODOT also wants to know whether people agree or disagree with the following statement: “I would support travel information or roadway enhancements that would improve conditions for bicycle travel up to and around the mountain.”
By this fall, ODOT expects to come up with a list of prioritized projects. The survey asks for feedback on the types of projects they already have in mind. Those projects include: Intersection improvements/realignments; transit to and from Mt Hood, more “pedestrian connections”, improved bike facilities”, more enforcement of traffic laws, and more.
The survey is open until May 31st. Take it here and let’s help ODOT make it easier to access Mt. Hood without a car.