Note from publisher: I’ve long wondered how best to handle all the reports I receive about collisions. They usually do not merit a full story on the Front Page; but I think they have value for the community in exposing problem intersections, sharing experiences, and so on. Years back, we developed a Close Calls Map and data tool; but it is no longer supported. So for now, I’m going to start posting collisions here on Page Two. I hope you find them more useful than frightening. — Jonathan
Several readers reported a collision this morning around 8:30 am on N. Greeley at Sumner — which is right near the Adidas campus in north Portland. Here’s a description from someone who was driving by:
nw entrance to the adidas campus on greeley. large black suv in driveway – could have been a right hook (purely speculative)? i passed (by car) in the opposite direction just as the firetruck/ambulance arrived. saw a person lying on the ground next to the suv and a bike in the bushes. another cyclist had stopped and was still there when i passed.
And another reader:
Saw a rider on the ground next to black Escalade w/ group crowded around. Looked serious.
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