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Holman St park bollards get the happy Lego treatment

Well hello! Nice to see you too!
(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland)

One of my favorite pieces of PBOT magic is the Holman Pocket Park. And now it’s even sweeter because of these little guys who greet me whenever I ride through.

NE Holman is one of PBOT’s neighborhood greenway streets. Between NE Durham and 13th, there used to be a small and neglected park on one side of the street. As part of the greenway project, PBOT decided to expand the park all the way across Holman and create a “pocket park.” Through auto traffic is now prohibited and to make sure people don’t drive through the two-way path that goes through the park, PBOT placed cement bollards at both entries.

I usually abhor bollards. They create obstacles on bikeways and they’re yet another sacrifice and compromise in the riding environment because of automobiles. Suffice it to say, these are the first bollards I’ve ever seen that actually made me smile. The little Lego face and the reflectors sort of remind me of a tie or the buttons of a shirt. So cute! (Maybe someone will add a hat and maybe a sweater for winter?)

I have no idea who’s responsible for this. But thanks! I think they should become a standard bollard treatment.

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