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In Washington County, advocacy happens during happy hour

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Washington County residents
write thank-you notes
at Billy’s Bar in November.
(Photo: Will Vanlue/BikePortland)

On March 29th, the Westside Transportation Alliance (WTA) will gather representatives from all over Washington County for a networking night at Billy’s Bar in Beaverton.

The event is an effort by the WTA to connect active transportation groups around the westside. In recent months, the WTA has produced videos highlighting cross-county trails and they hosted a thank-you note writing campaign last November.

The informal happy hour in March will give members of Washington County’s various bicycle and pedestrian advisory committees and advocacy organizations a chance to speak with each other, county staff, and the public about what they’re working on.

The WTA’s Executive Director Heather McCarey says the event is part of a larger effort to better engage stakeholders beyond formal meetings:

“The WTA is trying to figure out ways [to engage people] that are welcoming for the public rather than just an agenda-driven meeting. We want to create a space where people can form relationships with each other so that when they have a concern or that next great idea they know who to call.”

Hosting the event near the center of Washington County at the end of the workday also allows the WTA to bring in people and organizations that can’t normally attend day-time meetings. To make sure people want to come to the meeting after a long day of work, McCarey says she looks for venues that are “fun and facilitate conversation.”

I’m planning to join the WTA for the evening myself, and below is the full list of other people and organizations McCarey expects to be represented:

If you want a chance to speak with the people and groups listed above, about walking and biking in Washington County, you can join them at Billy’s Bar on March 29th from 5:30-8pm.

Follow all our Washington County bike news here. Contact Will Vanlue, will [at] with tips and feedback.

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