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BTA gets behind first “Bicycle Industry Night” at local pub

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Many of you might have already heard of “Service Industry Nights” at local pubs and eateries. Here in Portland, many local establishments have one night a week where they offer special deals for folks who work in the service industry.

Tonight*, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) is teaming up with a local bike company for something similar but geared toward people who work in the bike industry: Bike Industry Night.

Tom Rousculp manages the BTA business membership program and he came up with the idea. “I talk to a lot of bike shop employees,” Rousculp told us, “and I saw this as an opportunity to bring them together.” Rousculp sees the event as a way to say thanks to local bike shop employees and other bike industry ground troops whom he sees as having an essential role in spreading the good word about bikes. “They are the ones selling bicycling every day… and I want them to think about the BTA when they’re doing that. It’s a way to grow membership from the inside.”

Local bike parts distribution company Cyclone Bicycle Supply has stepped up to pay the tab for the tonight’s event and plans are to make this a monthly tradition. A Cyclone rep told us, “This is a time for everyone to put aside “competition” and just talk about anything and everything. In the future we will be incorporating door prizes, discounts, etc.”

Portland has nearly 60 bike shops and the number is growing all the time. Since a great bike city isn’t possible without excellent shops and the people who work at them, we think this is a fantastic idea.

[*I’m leaving the location and time intentionally vague because this event is not open to the general public. If you want to attend, please contact Tom Rousculp at the BTA.]

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