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‘Virtuous’ Portland Tweed Ride this Saturday: See the new poster

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The long-awaited return of the Tweed Ride is upon us. This Saturday (March 5th) will be the first of this year’s two ride offeringst. After the smashing triumph of last year’s debut ride, organizers have decided to offer both a ‘Virtue’ and a ‘Vice’ themed ride. More details and the brand new poster (created by local graphic designer Gabriel Amadeus) below…

The Virtuous Tweed Ride meets at 11:00 am at Union Station. The ‘Vice’ Ride, which organizers describe as “A surely ignoble and iniquitous ride,” will be on April 2nd and meets at 4:00 pm on the wharf at NW Front and 18th. See a larger version of the poster here.

Get into the tweed spirit by watching the slideshow from last year’s ride…

Stay in touch with all the latest Tweed Ride news at, via Facebook, or on Twitter.

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