for corner of SE 12th and Ankeny.
This morning, a reader tipped us off about a property development that could have an impact on one of Portland’s busiest bikeways, SE Ankeny Blvd.
A permit request (PDF) submitted to the City’s Bureau of Development Services says the Foursquare Gospel Church plans to develop a surface parking lot at SE 12th and Ankeny into “Foursquare Senior Living.” The four-six level structure would have 132 units of senior housing and 7,200 square feet of ground floor retail space with two levels of underground parking (the existing parcel is an underutilized surface parking lot). While the main entrance will face SE 13th Ave, plans also call for a new driveway on Ankeny just east of 12th…

Ankeny is a major artery in the bike network. It was built as one of Portland’s first bike boulevards back in 1997 and PBOT counted over 1,200 daily trips at SE Ankeny and 6th in their 2010 bicycle counts.
It’s great to see more dense housing in the city, and it will be interesting to see how/if this development impacts the bikeway. Perhaps some readers that live in the Buckman Neighborhood can report back as the project moves forward. You can download the permit request here.