Metro announced $533,000 in Regional Travel Options grants today. According to Metro, the federally-funded grants are given to projects that “reduce the number of people driving alone to improve air quality and address community health issues.”
Grant winners this cycle include a wide range of projects — from bike parking to “transportation mobility counseling.” One award that catches my eye is $53,000 for Sunday Parkways out in Wilsonville.
Check the full list of winners below.
- Community Cycling Center, Communities in Motion: Increasing Capacity for Active Transportation, $34,086
- Housing Authority of Portland, Regional Work Source, Transportation Mobility Counseling, $60,000
- OPAL Environmental Justice of Oregon, East Portland Community Bus Stop Assessment, $63,000
- Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Bike Commute Challenge, $27,500
- City of Forest Grove, Forest Grove bicycle parking shelters, $45,000
- City of Tigard, Downtown Tigard walking map and way-finding system, $25,000
- City of Wilsonville/SMART, Wilsonville Sunday Parkways, $53,414
- Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation, trail and way-finding signage, $60,000