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Saying thanks to bikeway builders, one cool treat at a time

Ryan Hashagen chats with a man working on the Cully Boulevard reconstruction project (site of city’s first cycle track).
(Photos: Steve Bozzone/Intersection 911)

On Friday afternoon, as city road crews labored under the hot sun on the NE Cully cycle track project, they got an unexpected surprise. A group of people on bikes and tricycles pulled up to give them words of thanks and free popsicles.

The event was pulled together by livable streets group Active Right of Way (AROW) and the Bicycle Business League. Ryan Hashagen is a member of the BBL and owner of Icicle Trycycles, who donated the ice cream. Hashagen says the event is part of an ongoing program they call “Free Ice Cream for Bike Lane Builders.”

Here’s a little report Hashagen shared about the Friday’s event:

“We pedaled out to the NE Cully Cycle Track construction site and delivered our appreciation to the work crew for making Portland a safer city for bikes & people.

There was some great conversations and appreciation expressed. The project looks great! We were super excited to be able to thank this hard working crew with our frozen pedaled treats for making Portland a safer city for all right of way users.”

A little positive activism and some good, old-fashioned face-to-face communication can go a long way. Nicely played everyone!

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