shows Sebastian Case on the sidewalk.
-Watch video below-
TriMet has released the onboard video from a collision between a bus and a bike that happened on SE Hawthorne earlier this week.
The video clearly shows Sebastian Case — who was featured in an Oregonian story about the incident — riding his bike on the sidewalk east of SE 12th about four seconds prior to the collision. Case then enters the roadway after the bus had already begun passing him. He then tries, unsuccessfully, to squeeze between the bus and a parked van.
The footage contradicts what Case told The Oregonian about the crash:
“As he continued east along Hawthorne, Case said he could hear the bus approaching behind him.
“I knew the bus was close behind me,” he said. “But not that close.'”
TriMet Communications Director Mary Fetsch says two witnesses who filled out comment cards after the incident confirm what is seen in the video. One witness, Barry T. said Case, “came off sidewalk fast tried to fit in between cars and bus” and another, Tami A., said, “I saw bicyclist go off sidewalk and try to maneuver between bus and vehicle.”
Watch the video below (it begins at corner of SE Hawthorne and 12th next to Burgerville (At :27 you see the case riding on the sidewalk. Watch for a blue van at about :33, that’s the van Case tried to squeeze by.)
Unless I’m seeing this wrong, it looks like a clear case where the person on the bike made a very poor decision. As we noted on our original story, the lanes on SE Hawthorne in this location are narrower than a TriMet bus. Please use caution when riding there. As this video shows, taking the full lane is more advisable than trying to squeeze by.