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BTA seeks new board members

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Stephen Gomez, Vice-Chair of the BTA board,
is managing the elections process.
(Photo: Adams Carroll)

The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) is currently accepting applications to be evaluated for election to their Board of Directors. These elections are important because the board has significant sway and oversight into the policies and direction of the organization. We have gotten emails and phone calls from people in the community who wanted to know more about the election process, so I asked Board Vice Chair Stephen Gomez to explain how it works.

“We are looking for people that are mission aligned; people that have the time and the resources to help the organization”.
— Stephen Gomez, BTA Board Vice Chair

According to Gomez (who’s overseeing the elections process) seven of the fourteen current board members face expiring terms. Those members are:

The board is currently going through an internal review process with those seven members in order to determine which of them will run for re-election (a process expected to be done at the end of July). Gomez points out that the BTA bylaws allow for up to twenty members on the board, but they don’t plan on expanding. “Most likely we will stay at fourteen and add new members”.

When asked what the board will be looking for in prospective members Gomez stated, “it comes to who’s interested; who’s qualified” and continued saying, “we are looking for people that are mission aligned; people that have the time and the resources to help the organization”.

Applicants are first reviewed by the Nominating Committee members, who choose potential members whom they see as qualified for a position. The chosen applicants are then nominated to the full board who vote on the applicants along with the entire membership in September.

If you’d like to take on a volunteer role with the BTA that Gomez calls, “really rewarding and really challenging all at the same time,” the application date was just extended from June 1st to June 15th and applications should be sent via email to gomez[at]bta4bikes[dot]org.

— Read bios of current board members here and learn how to apply here.

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