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Kids traffic safety curriculum goes open source

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Detail from worksheet on traffic
hazards from K-3 curriculum.

The Bicycle Transportation Alliance, with a grant from the Oregon Safe Routes to School program, has developed a curriculum to teach traffic safety to young people. Called Neighborhood Navigators, the curriculum is available for kindergarten through eighth grade and is available free via download from the BTA’s website.

Here’s more about the curriculum from the BTA:

Pro Walk-Pro Bike in Seattle-4.jpg
Lynne Mutrie designed
the curriculum.

“This curriculum focuses on efficient and healthy transportation choices, pedestrian safety, and community and neighborhood design… teaches younger students safe pedestrian behavior and reinforces the benefits of walking and biking. Older students learn how transportation decisions affect personal, environmental, health, and community design. The curriculum includes age-appropriate knowledge and skill practice for each grade.”

Neighborhood Navigators was created and developed by Lynne Mutrie, the BTA’s former statewide Safe Routes to School coordinator and current owner of Mutrie Consulting.

Go over to the BTA’s website to download the curriculum.

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