Are custom, personalized U-locks the next big thing in bike fashion here in Bike City, USA? After all, U-locks are pretty much ubiquitous on the urban biking scene and they’re not exactly easy to conceal. So, why not add some flair and make a fashion statement out of them? Seems reasonable to me.
Check out these examples of the latest must-have bike fashion accessory seen on the streets of Portland…
First, there’s the very clever re-use of an Oury grip (hat tip to Dustin Hubbard):

And of course, the knitted “U-lock sweater” is a Portland fave (thanks to Justa):

And, the grand finale, a custom paint-job (found via Molly Cameron on Twitter):

If this continues, are limited edition “street series” u-locks from the likes of Kryptonite far off?