It just might help people be
a bit more vigilant when turning.
(Photo: VigilantVelo.com)
It’s always nice to hear from old bike industry acquaintances, especially when they’ve crossed over into the non-profit advocacy world. One such name from my past is Raymond Galang, co-founder of (legendary website) MTBR.com and Roadbikereview.com. Raymond dropped me a line last week to share his new endeavor — VigilantVelo.com.
Raymond had built a nice web and graphic design consultant business, but says that in recent years he’s “been saddened and horrified by the number of cyclists getting hit on the road by automobiles” (including “numerous” close calls himself). “I started to become paranoid and always felt that the next car behind me could be my fate. It’s no way to ride I thought to myself.”
before opening that door.
He decided to do something about it and went to work the only way he know how — through graphic design. The world of bike activism is flooded with stickers, but what I love about Raymond’s are where they’re intended to go — right on a car’s rear-view mirror and/or in the driver’s-side window.
He has created 2-by-2 inch static cling decals that aren’t distracting when you’re behind the wheel, but, as Raymond says, “they’re just enough of a reminder to keep a driver aware of cyclists.” Judging from the photos on the website, these stickers look like they could really help with the all-too-common “Those cyclists just come out of nowhere!” complaints.
You can buy the stickers online for as little as $2 (a special sales package for shops is also available). All proceeds go to printing costs and Raymond says he’s donating a percentage of sales to the League of American Bicyclists.
Check out VigilantVelo.com for more.