Dan Anderson, public information officer
dan.anderson@ci.portland.or.usMEDIA ADVISORY
Bureau of Transportation to conduct crosswalk enforcement with Police on Wed. in SEWHAT
A crosswalk enforcement action includes one or more pedestrian decoys strategically positioned at locations that have marked or unmarked crosswalks and a fair amount of pedestrian activity. Drivers that fail to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk may be issued a warning or given a citation by police. Pedestrians that jaywalk may receive warnings or citations.WHY
Members of the community have expressed their concerns about pedestrian safety at this location. Crosswalk enforcement actions are an opportunity to educate the community about Oregon crosswalk laws and enforce the law. Pedestrians are at risk in traffic – approximately one-third of traffic-related fatalities in Portland are pedestrians and bicyclists. Half of all vehicle-pedestrian crashes occur at an intersection or crosswalk. Crosswalk enforcement actions have proven to be an effective way to communicate pedestrian right of way laws.WHO
Portland Bureau of Transportation staff and Portland Police Traffic DivisionWHEN
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Crosswalk enforcement actions are conducted monthly.WHERE
Unmarked crossing on SE 17th at Marion
Newswire: PBOT to conduct crosswalk enforcement with Police in Southeast