Beaverton resident and BikePortland contributor Jim Parsons (we profiled his activism back in May) snapped this photo and posted it to our reader Flickr group earlier this week.
Here’s his description of the photo (links added):
I often ride after dark, and one night I hit this pothole, Hard! Despite all my bike lights, some things you’ll never see until it’s too late. I thought that I had destroyed my rear wheel (fortunately, I didn’t).
I came back during the day, marked it with a piece of debris, and took photos. I then called Washington County Maintenance, and explained what happend
I came by it a few days later (at night), and it’s patched.
To request pothole filling and other road maintenance in Washington County, you can call 503-846-ROAD or contact them via their website.
In the city of Portland, the pothole reporting line is 503-823-BUMP (website here).