[Publisher’s note: This story was published yesterday on Page Two, but since it’s so darn beautiful outside right now, and because this is such a great resource, I thought it needed a bit more attention.]

River City Bicycles’ Rubber to the Road guidebooks have long been a popular way to learn about great rides in our region. Now the books have a useful, web-based complement at RubbertotheRoad.com.
The website has a ton of great rides listed, complete with turn-by-turn directions and an interactive GPS-powered map. Here’s more about it from the latest River City Bicycles newsletter:
“…a free collection of exhilerating [sic] Portland-area rides put together by pro rider Jacob Erker. In addition to colorful descriptions and complete ride directions, you’ll have access to interactive maps powered by GPSies.com and GPS route files you can download to your GPS device.”
This is a fantastic resource. If you appreciate and/or use this site, River City reminds you that the entire project was done to help support the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and the Community Cycling Center.