(Photo: Mike Quetel)
When you drink the newly released “Commuter Cuvee” pinot noir by Grochau Cellars, you’ll not only raise your spirits, you’ll raise money for bike safety.
The new wine is the work of Portland-based winemaker and bike lover John Grochau, with help from his distributor Casa Bruno.
BikePortland reader Mike Quetel came across the new wine last week. Quetel emailed us to say that he was “excited to see two of my favorite things, cycling and wine, intersect here in Portland.” Quetel also added that the wine was “delicious and affordable”. But that’s not even the best part…
According to Quetel, Grochau has decided to donate a portion of all Commuter Cuvee sales to the Brett Jarolimek Memorial Fund. We confirmed that information and are happy to report that Grochau and his distributor Casa Bruno will donate .40 cents of each bottle sold to the fund. The wine retails for $12-13 a bottle.
I gave Grochau a call today and found out he’s a former bike messenger and racer. He messengered in 1988 and is also a former Bike Gallery employee. Grochau said he was moved to donate to Brett’s fund because “I see some similarities between myself and Brett. I didn’t know him personally but I met him a few times.”
Grochau said that once all 900 cases of the wine are sold (likely by this spring), he will have given about $4,000 to the fund. He also said he’s donated 10 cases for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s upcoming Alice Awards Auction event.
To make this wine taste even better to bike lovers, Storyteller Wine Company (5511-B SW Hood Ave.) will match the Grochau donation at a kick-off and tasting party tomorrow night. The party is free and the Commuter Cuvee will be poured by Mr. Grochau himself.
— Check StorytellerWines.com for more details on the kickoff party.