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Press Release: Blumenauer joins Obama bikers

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This was sent to us from Blumenauer’s office on Saturday. We’re hoping for some photos and will likely put something on the Front Page if/when we get them.

Biking for Obama Riders Finally Arrive In DC Joined by Rep. Blumenauer after Month-Long Bike Trek Cross-country for Inauguration

Blumenauer and Becerra Answer Cyclists’ Plea for Inauguration Tickets

Washington, DC – Tomorrow, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), Chair of the Congressional Bike Caucus, will join Ryan Bowen, Founder of Biking for Obama, and over fifty riders as the Biking for Obama team bikes the final leg of their cross-country bicycle trek into Washington, D.C. for Tuesday’s Presidential Inauguration. Bowen and fellow cyclists left Los Angeles on bike over a month and 13 days ago, with no inauguration tickets, on what they called “the Highway of Hope”.

Bowen maintained a blog at the group’s website,, where he posted his plea for a ticket to the Inauguration on January 12th. Reps. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) and Rep. Blumenauer answered the plea with two tickets for Ryan and a fellow biking for Obama rider. Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 12:15 PM at the Jefferson Memorial, Rep. Blumenauer will present Bowen with Inauguration tickets on behalf of the Congressional Bike Caucus and Rep. Becerra.

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