Mayor Sam Adams has released his list of goals for his first 100 days in office.
From the section on transportation, here are some things that pertain to bicycling:
Develop a four-year strategic vision for Portland’s transportation investments and infrastructure
1. Appoint a Transportation Cabinet
2. Initiate development of a strategic transportation investment plan as a component of the Portland Plan
3. Advocate for federal stimulus package
4. Conduct a snow and ice storm readiness assessment for the city and region; develop a plan of action for future efforts and investment
5. Provide leadership and support to secure passage of a transportation funding package at the State Legislature
It will be interesting to see who he’ll put on that Transportation Cabinet. I’m sure it will include a strong voice for non-motorized modes.
Enhance the safety and accessibility of bicycling for everyone
1. Announce the release of an updated Bicycle Master Plan for the city
2. Unveil the City’s first Cycle Track in a high-visibility, high-use location to promote safety and increase bicycle use
3. Identify 15 miles of Bicycle Boulevards for implementation in 2009
4. Complete the next link in the Bike Boulevard network on N Wabash, connecting N Willamette Blvd to the bike path along the Columbia River
5. Deliver on-street bike parking corrals in four or more high-demand locations
Last updated in 1995, the update to the Bike Master Plan was supposed to be done in 2005. It’s a bit late, but from what I’ve heard, it will be well worth the wait. It will include a broad look at bicycling in the city and should become an important, guiding document for Portland’s quest to be a world-class bike-friendly city.

We reported previously about the cycletrack promise. Now we’ll just have to wait to see where they put it.
15 miles of bike boulevards will be easy to identify. The hard part will be actually making them real bike boulevards. Does “implementation” mean construction? Interesting to note that not one single mile of new bike boulevard was “implemented” during Adams’ tenure as Transportation Commissioner.
As for the North Portland bike boulevard piece (#4). City bike coordinator Roger Geller and his right hand man, planner Denver Igarta, have been spending a lot of time riding around North Portland’s residential streets in search of bikeable routes. It will be interesting to what this “complete” bike boulevard ends up looking like. I’ll know a lot more about by middle of next week when PBOT staff presents information at a special meeting before the monthly Bike Advisory Committee meeting.
And four more bike corrals. Fantastic! That’s good to hear, but it will barely put a dent in the huge backlog of businesses that are on the waiting list.
And now, the next section:
Improve safety and mobility on Portland’s roadways
1. Promote state legislation to give cities jurisdiction over speed limits within city limits
2. Identify funding for high-priority arterial paving projects
3. Support a Columbia River Crossing bridge project that truly serves Portland’s needs and interests
The speed limit thing is interesting and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Currently, the Oregon Department of Transportation has control over local speed limits and it takes nearly an act of God to change them. If City of Portland can have more power over this, we could really see some streets transform into viable bikeways.
The bit about the CRC is not a big surprise. This is essentially the same thing Council agreed to when they voted to support it last year.
Read the full “100 Days and Counting” list for more details on transportation, education, the economy, and so on.
I’m looking forward to these first 100 days. I feel Adams’ staff, they’ll be running ragged for the next few months. I hope the enthusiasm and excitement of a new administration will carry them through.
Then I just read this, “Sam can’t make it happen by himself. That’s why he’s recruiting you, his most valuable asset, to help. So, don’t be shy. Let’s dig in together.”