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Former BTA director will be mayor’s transportation policy advisor

Catherine Ciarlo
(Photo courtesy Catherine Ciarlo)

Catherine Ciarlo, who was formerly the executive director of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) and currently serves on the Portland Planning Commission, has been hired to be the transportation policy advisor for Mayor-elect Sam Adams.

Ciarlo led the BTA from 1998-2005. In addition to her role on the Planning Commission, Ciarlo is the executive director of Oregon Women Lawyers and she has a law degree from Lewis and Clark College.

In a story on her appointment to the Planning Commission, she told BikePortland that she wants, “to see Portland head in the direction of environmental sustainability and transportation systems that truly serve people.”

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On policy issues, we have previously reported that Ciarlo was an ardent supporter of the failed attempt to reuse the old Sauvie Island Bridge span as a bike and pedestrian only crossing over I-405 and she was also an oustpoken critic of the Columbia River Crossing project (CRC).

Catherine Ciarlo, shown here in the middle of former mayor Bud Clark and Northwest Portland bike advocate Patricia Gardner testifying in front of City Council in support of the Sauvie Island Bridge relocation project.
(Photo © J. Maus)

In a statement about the CRC in advance of the City Council’s vote on the project, Ciarlo said:

“We will urge City Council not to write a blank check for a project that doesn’t meet the criteria we believe any new bridge should meet.”

Ciarlo lives in Southeast Portland. Expect to see her appearing as a source on bike and transportation-related issues a lot more in the future.

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