in the palm of your hand.
(Larger views below)
(Photo: Jennifer Campos)
The City of Vancouver Washington (just a few short miles north of downtown Portland) has a new bicycle resource card available.
According to Jennifer Campos, a planner in Vancouver’s transportation department, the card is small, portable, and provides all the basic info a bicyclist needs including; who to call for cars parked in the bike lane, traffic signals that aren’t working, potholes or other obsructions in the street, and transit information.
The double-sided card is the size of a business card and is made out of plastic similar to a credit card.
The cards are available for free at the City of Vancouver’s offices in the Esther Short building (610 Esther Street) or the transportation offices (4400 NE 77th Avenue, 3rd floor).
Here are enlarged views of the front and back of the card: