as a reminder of Portland’s freeway-fighting past.
John Russell)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
–philosopher George Santayana
Much of the why Portland is a city where bikes, pedestrians, and transit can flourish, is because we have taken a stand against freeways. Two events coming up in November will educate a new generation about Portland’s proud history of freeway fighting and removal.
In the late 1960s and early ’70s, plans for the Mt. Hood Freeway (that would have run through the heart of Southeast Portland) were canceled after neighborhoods revolted and city planners threatened a lawsuit.
In 1974, a piece of the 99W freeway (known as Harbor Drive) along the western shore of the Willamette River in downtown Portland was removed. In its place was put Tom McCall Waterfront Park, which stretches from the Steel Bridge to the Riverplace Marina — and Portland became the first major U.S. city to remove an existing freeway.
It’s important to note that both of these areas (Southeast Portland and the Waterfront) now see some of the highest levels of bike and pedestrian activity anywhere in the city.
On November 8th, the Architectural Heritage Center (AHC) presents, The Road Not Taken: The Mt. Hood Freeway and the Preservation of Southeast Portland. The presentation will,
“take a look back at the post-World War II era of freeway building in Portland, a time society became oriented around the automobile. How did Portland change from a bicycle and streetcar city in the early 20th century to a Freeway City by mid-century? Where did the idea come from that freeways could solve our traffic woes? And why did the freeway antagonists prevail in this case?”
This presentation is $18 for the general public and $13 for AHC members. More on the event at the AHC website.

edition of his Dead Freeways Ride.
(Photo: Carye Bye)
Then, on November 16, local urban historian and artist Shawn Granton will lead his Dead Freeways Ride. Shawn has led this ride for years and it’s always a hit. Here’s his description:
“What if…Portland built all the freeways it planned? This ride will follow the routes of several highways that never made it off the drawing board, such as the fabled Mt. Hood Freeway, some that did but were later removed, like Harbor Drive, and also as a reference some freeways that currently exist.”
The ride is free. More details at Shawn’s Urban Adventure League website.