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Notice: Comments needed on Springwater Corridor project

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Just received this info sheet and call for comments from Clackamas County Parks planner Katie Dunham. They’re also have a public meeting on Sept 3rd (more info here). I hope to have a Front Page story on this soon.

Please voice your support for the Springwater Corridor in Clackamas County!

Clackamas County is requesting $1,200,000 for the Springwater Corridor Improvement Project through the 2011-2013 Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Transportation Enhancement Program (TE). The Project will pave 2.21 miles of the Springwater Corridor from Rugg Road in Clackamas County to Dee Street in Boring, with a 10 to 12 foot wide multi-use pathway with soft shoulders for use by pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians.

ODOT is seeking public comments on projects being considered for Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding. The comment period will be open from August 1 through September 15, 2008. Responses received during that period will help ODOT determine which projects advance to the TE Advisory Committee for final evaluation and selection, and will affect the committee’s scoring of those projects. All comments should be submitted through the
internet survey site set that has been set up for this purpose.

Please go to Clackamas County’s project website to connect to the survey at, or ODOT’s Local Government Section web site at Those without access to the internet may contact
the Transportation Enhancement Program Manager at (503) 986-3528 for a printed copy of the Comment/Response form.

Please vote that you strongly support project # 12 – Clackamas County: Springwater Trail Extension (Rugg Road – Hwy 212 at Boring) and vote your support for project #66, the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department Cazadero Trail: Deep Creek Bridge Between Boring & Barton
Below are some ideas for comments:

• The Clackamas County Springwater Trail Extension project meets goal number 1 and goal number 8 of the TE activities by preserving an abandoned railway corridor as a multi-use trail for pedestrians and bicyclists.

• The Clackamas County Springwater Trail Extension project promotes and encourages the use of trails for transportation and recreation by bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians. Currently, trail users turn around, or travel on a dangerous route along Telford Rd. to reach Boring.

• Paving this trail section of the Springwater Corridor will provide the missing link between the Springwater and Cazadero Trails. Metro has identified the Cazadero Trail, owned by the State of Oregon, as one of the Great Eight Trail Packages for our region. Oregon State Parks and Recreation is currently working on completion of the Cazadero Trail. Without the completion of this project, there will be a gap in the Springwater Trail which directly connects to the Cazadero Trail, south of Hwy. 212 in Boring.

Please forward this information to your friends, family, and co-workers. Thank you for your support!!

Please contact Katie Dunham at or 503-794-8051 if you have any questions. Check the website at for updates on the Springwater Corridor and Boring Station Trailhead Park projects.

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