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Kidical Mass: A slideshow from North Portland

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Kidical Mass - August-10.jpg
Ready to ride.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Kidical Mass continued to stoke the family biking revolution with several rides all over Portland tonight.

I joined a healthy group of families at Peninsula Park for a pleasant, few-mile ramble over to Arbor Lodge Park where the kids played, the parents chatted, and everyone nibbled on potluck offerings.

Did anyone join the main ride downtown? How were the root beer floats?! How about the Sellwood ride? Did anyone show up in Southwest?

Share your reports in the comments. I’m very interested to see how/if this new group ride takes hold.

For a look at the bikes and families that turned up in North Portland tonight, check out the slide show below…

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

If you missed this month’s ride(s), mark your calendar for next month!

Learn more at

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