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Governor Kulongoski will bike to work on Monday

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Gov. Kulongoski at Pioneer
Courthouse Square in April.
(Photo © J. Maus)

He walked to work on Earth Day, and now Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski says he’ll ride his bike to the office on Monday.

The ride is part of a larger “commuter challenge” effort proclaimed by Kulongoski today to encourage the 8,500 state employees to leave their cars at home and trying biking, walking, or the bus instead.

Kulongoski told me during a conversation at the Earth Day rally back in April that he used to ride his bike into work “all the time” when he lived in the inner northeast Portland neighborhood of Laurelhurst.

The Governor will join a growing number of State Capitol employees who have been known to bike. They include Sen. Jason Atkinson,

(Photo courtesy Jason Atkinson)

Rep. Tobias Read,

(Photo: Scott Bricker/BTA)

Rep. Jackie Dingfelder,

(Photo © J. Maus)

Sen. Floyd Prozanski, and

I don’t have a photo of him riding yet.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Sen. Ginny Burdick…

Tour of Tomorrow
State Senator Ginny Burdick
crossing the Sellwood Bridge.
(Photo © J. Maus)

…just to name a few.

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