An on-street bike corral, like this one off
N. Mississippi Ave, might be coming
to downtown St. Johns.
(Photo © J. Maus)
N. Mississippi Ave, might be coming
to downtown St. Johns.
(Photo © J. Maus)
St. Johns area residents are hopeful that soon they’ll have an on-street bike corral installed downtown.
Longtime neighborhood activist Joe Adamski says he has met with the City of Portland’s Office of Transportation and members of the local business community on the project.
The exact location of the new bike corral has yet to be determined, but it will likely be installed somewhere on N. Lombard Avenue in the heart of the St. Johns business district — possibly adjacent to Proper Eats Cafe (8638 N Lombard St) or the St. Johns Theater (8704 N. Lombard) near N. Alta Avenue.
Another possible location, according to an article in the Portland Sentinel, is an unused parking space near the Starbucks at N. Lombard and Burlington.