Advocates and concerned citizens from both sides of the river will meet tonight to discuss how to move bike advocacy forward in the city of Vancouver, Washington.
The meeting will be facilitated by Todd Boulanger, an active Vancouver bike advocate who also works for the City of Vancouver as a transportation planner (although at this meeting, he is acting as a citizen, not as a city employee).
Boulanger says he called the meeting to try and organize Vancouverites who care about better biking conditions. He hopes to someday establish an official, Vancouver chapter of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) or the Bike Alliance of Washington, or possibly an entirely new advocacy group.
“This is an initial social meeting to discuss how to advocate for a bike friendly Vancouver, share stories, and access help from the BTA and the Bicycle Alliance of Washington. All bicyclists and friends of bicyclists are welcome.”

Executive Director of the League of American Bicyclists.
Talks about strengthening the voice of Vancouver bike advocates were renewed back in February when the Vancouver City Council passed a new mandatory helmet ordinance.
In June of 2006 Vancouver was named a “Bronze” level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.
Here are the details on tonight’s meeting:
Vancouver BTA or Bike Alliance – organizing for advocacy in the Couv!
Wednesday, 4/23 – 5:30 ~ 6:30
Wallis Engineering (215 West 4th St., Ste 200, Vancouver)
More meeting details here