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Bike Gallery to host ‘MTB Tech Night’ with Gary Fisher

The Bike Gallery is hosting a special “MTB Tech Night” with mountain bike pioneer, guru, fashion-star, and bike industry celebrity Gary Fisher. Event flyer is below followed by press release.

Here’s the blurb from the press release:

Hollywood Bike Gallery is hosting a big night of big MTB fun on Thursday, April 24, 6:30-9:00 PM. The guest of honor is Gary Fisher, mountain bike legend and the man behind the bikes. He’s bringing a clip from “Klunkers”, a very cool movie about dawn of mountain bikes in Marin County. Afterwards he’ll linger to visit and chat about bikes. Experts on tubeless tires and suspension systems, helmets, places to ride, and more, will impart their knowledge through clinics and conversations. Enjoy snacks and beverages and peruse the store, stop by to learn, socialize, or meet Gary, and get ready for a summer of goin’ big on your MTB.

For more information email Amy Wantulok ( amy at bikegallery dot com )

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