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‘An Inconvenient Ride’ is coming to Portland

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Eight high school students from Seattle are on a 5,400 mile Inconvenient Ride to raise awareness of climate change and they’re set to ride through Portland next week.

So far I haven’t heard of any special events planned for their visit. If/when I do I will post something about it. Below is a statement about the ride from their press release:

An Inconvenient Ride involves eight students from Sealth High and Gatewood Elementary School’s, who will receive a ceremonial tree in Washington DC and begin a 5,400 mile bicycle ride through cities that have signed on to Seattle Mayor, Greg Nickels, climate protection program. Departing Washington DC on March 31, 2008, the students will collect over 10,000 signatures from Governors, Mayors and students in a show of support, and commitment, to protecting the environment. Ceremonial tree plantings will be conducted in selected cities along the route.

The students will arrive back in Seattle on April 22 (Earthday) to kick off the Global to Local benefit at the beautiful S. Mark Taper Auditorium at Benaroya Hall, featuring world famous photographer Art Wolfe among other guest luminaries. A portion of every ticket sold will go to purchase 2,500 native trees which will then be planted in Seattle greenbelts and parks by students from Seattle Public Schools.

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