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Auditor’s survey shows how your neighborhood rates for bike safety

The City Auditor’s office has just released neighborhood by neighborhood breakdowns of their 2007 Portland Resident Survey (I shared a preview of those results back in December).

The Portland Residents Survey is a useful tool that allows you to rate how neighborhoods stack up against each other based on a variety of specific livability issues. Over 20,000 randomly selected residents from 75 neighborhoods took part. They answered questions about everything from the quality of garbage service to how safe they felt in local parks.

Among the questions asked was:

In general, how do you rate streets in your neighborhood on safety of bicyclists?

The highest-ranked neighborhood was Eastmoreland-Ardenwald in Southeast Portland with 75% of residents rating bike safety as “good” or “very good”. The top five was rounded out by the Northeast neighborhoods of Irvington and Alameda, followed by Overlook in North Portland and Reed in Southeast.

The bottom of the bike safety scale was (not surprisingly) dominated by neighborhoods in Southwest Portland. Four of the bottom five were from Southwest with over 50% of Arnold Creek-Marshall Park residents giving bike safety a “bad” or “very bad” rating.

See how your neighborhood rated bike safety here.

The ratings for pedestrian safety had similar responses.

For more results of the Portland Residents Survey, use the Auditor’s interactive website to view by question or by neighborhood.

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