Please keep your eyes peeled for a motor vehicle involved with a hit-and-run collision that took place about an hour ago at SE 8th and Stark.
According to officers I spoke to on the scene, a woman was riding her bike southbound on SE 8th when a man in a car turned his vehicle in front of her onto SE Stark. The collision resulted in minor injuries and the woman on the bike was taken away in an ambulance.
The officers said a witness stepped forward and claimed the driver of the car was “driving aggressively” prior to the incident.
The vehicle involved is a dark orange or bronze colored Toyota/Honda sedan with a cracked mirror and possible damage to the right side and it has no license plates. A witness claims the driver and the passenger of the car were both African-American. They were last seen headed westbound on SE Stark.
If anyone saw this collision or has information on the whereabouts of the vehicle please call the Portland Police Bureau’s non-emergency line, (503) 823-3333.