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One week, 781 contributions for Middaugh

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Jim Middaugh (in blue) and friend
Bo Grayzel in the Auditor’s office.
(Photos © Jonathan Maus)

Portland City Council hopeful and daily bike commuter Jim Middaugh just turned in 781, $5 contributions to the City Auditor’s office.

Middaugh, who announced his run for Commissioner Erik Sten’s seat just last Monday showed up at City Hall today with long time friend Bo Grayzel. Middaugh told me he was “surprised and amazed” at how quickly his network of supporters have coalesced, enabling him to gather contributions at a rapid pace.

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City Auditor Gary Blackmer (at right, in tie)
chats with Middaugh.

A fund-raising event hosted by U.S. Congressman Peter Defazio in Southeast Portland on Sunday netted contributions from 100 people, and according to Middaugh, many of them were cyclists.

Middaugh has just nine more days to get 1,000, $5 contributions and qualify for public financing of his campaign.

Later this week, I have a meeting scheduled with Nick Fish, who some people think will be Middaugh’s primary contender in the race (Fish is not seeking public financing). Fish contacted me after he read the profile of Middaugh I published last week and says he wants to learn more about what bike issues will be important for the next City Council. (Stay tuned for that story).

In other campaign news, transportation and neighborhood activist Chris Smith is very close to the 1,000 mark in his public financing bid. Smith hopes to fill the Council seat vacated by Commissioner Adams.

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