After I published a story last week that shared draft concept drawings of what the new I-5 bridge over the Columbia River might look like, I received an email from someone on the Columbia River Crossing project staff.
He wanted to point out two concept drawings that I did not share and he forwarded the first detailed sketches I’ve seen of what a new bike and ped path might look like.
First, here are two bridge concept illustrations that do show bikes and peds (I didn’t see them the first time around so I’ve put in some arrows to assist you):

In the two potential scenarios above, the bike/ped component would share a new bridge with transit (either bus or light rail).
The sketch below shows a new design option that will be discussed by the bike/ped committee at their monthly meeting this Wednesday. It’s a bike/ped path that could be cantilevered underneath transit. Check it out:

For more information about the CRC’s pedestrian and bicycle advisory committee — which one staffer referred to as “an energetic and intelligent group that is forming robust recommendations for a world-class pedestrian and bicycle facility,” — see this page on the CRC website.
Also check out this recent comment by City of Vancouver transportation planner, and member of that committee, Todd Boulanger.