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County bike advisory committee seeks new members

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The Multnomah County Bicycle Pedestrian Citizens Advisory Committee (BPCAC) — which advises the Board of County Commissioners and Transportation Division on matters involving bicycle and pedestrian transportation within the County’s road jurisdiction — is announcing an opening for several positions.

Here’s the word from Multnomah County’s Michael Lynch:

“I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that the Multnomah County Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee is searching for a number of new members. Particularly with the recent bike safety issues, the committee’s advisory capacity to the County Commission has gained importance.

The County is looking for committee members from the entire County, listing a broad geographic and occupational interest on their website. Some recent issues discussed include bicycle & pedestrian safety, the Burnside Bridge, grant programs, and there have had presenters from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, various local governments and agencies, and recommendations have been made to the Board of Commissioners.”

The Committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in room 112 of the Multnomah Building, 501 SW Hawthorne Boulevard.

Check out the website for the official announcement of the openings and applications to become a member of the committee.

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