Two new bike/ped activated signals,
like this one at 41st and Burnside,
are coming to SE Portland.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)
like this one at 41st and Burnside,
are coming to SE Portland.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)
Last week, Portland City Council approved the final list of projects to receive grant funding through the City of Portland’s Community Benefit Opportunities program.
This program, which is administered by the City’s Bureau of Environmental Services, was created to fund community projects in neighborhoods impacted by the East Side Big Pipe project.
The projects were approved by an advisory committee made up of citizens, neighborhood associations, and environmental groups.
Among the 21 approved projects are a few that will significantly improve conditions for bicycling.
- $364,600 to install High Intensity Activated Crosswalk Signals (HAWK) at the crossing of 11th and 12th Avenues at SE Clinton Street.
(NOTE: This is the area where a road rage incident occurred earlier this year. See this article to learn more about an existing HAWK signal.)
- $4,800 to stripe bike lanes on SE Division Place between 4th and 9th Avenues
- $210,000 to help connect the Springwater Corridor Trail Gap from just south of the Sellwood Bridge and SE 19th and Ochoco Streets
From here, the Bureau of Environmental Services will work with the Office of Transportation to implement the projects. Stay tuned for updates on their progress.