As you might have already heard, in June of 2008 Portland will host an international conference on the future of urban transportation and livability, a.k.a., Towards Carfree Cities; Rethinking Mobility, Rediscovering Proximity.
Conference organizer Elly Blue just released their call for program proposals. Check it out:
We are currently soliciting presenters from around the world on this theme and urge you and your colleagues to submit a proposal. Please see the proposal description below, or visit our website for more information and to download a PDF version of Call for Proposals.
The Towards Carfree Cities conference series brings together people from around the world who are promoting practical alternatives to car dependence. Professionals, activists, and community leaders alike will share how they have been building sustainable transportation systems and promoting the transformation of cities, towns and villages into human-scaled environments rich in public space and community life.
As a part of the carfree movement, the conference seeks to find creative, practical solutions to the environmental, economic, community, and public health problems that arise from car-oriented urban policies, culture, and development. It looks to promote local, diverse, and sustainable neighborhoods that are accessible and pleasurable to everyone in the community.
This year’s conference theme is “Rethinking mobility, rediscovering proximity.” The theme is intended to promote discussion of urban livability, mixed-use development, local agriculture, pedestrian safety, strong neighborhoods, accessible public space, and sustainable transportation.
World Carfree Network and Shift are now seeking program proposals on the theme of “Rethinking Mobility, Rediscovering Proximity”. Proposals are requested in the following categories:
* Research abstracts
* Presentations of programs (eg, government, non-profit, or private sector initiatives)
* Presentations of World Carfree Network members’ organizational activities
* Panelists on the following topics: a) alternatives to the private automobile; b) closures of parks or city streets to cars, c) carfree towns, housing developments, or shopping districts; d) experiences of carfree individuals and families, e) World Carfree Day events
* Interactive workshops, activities, and tours
* Films
* Works of art
Proposals of 1-2 pages in length, in English, shall include a title and description of the proposed activity, any equipment, time, or space requirements, relevant personal information or experience, and full contact details. Discounted entry for presenters. Send all proposals and questions to or mail to: Shift, PO Box 6662, Portland OR 97228 USA by December 15, 2007. See for further details about the conference.